As I write this blog, I am counting on my strongest supporting team: My family.
I have a loving spouse whom I simply love with all of my heart. I have the most amazing daughters who are awesome, and are really great listeners. Even the baby does her part to be a team player. Right now everyone is keeping the house quiet for me to finish my school work!
I also have my extended family support... My mom and sister who have been there for me. My childhood web video on the right is a tribute to them.
My dear mom has been a rock for me. She has supported me through a divorce, being a single mom, coming out in my early twenties, and even getting married again. I could not ask for a better mother. My sister has been a best friend, a positive critic, and the one who keeps me real.
A new unexpected team of support has been Walden University. This MS program has been a lot more challenging that I expected, but the Walden team and my colleagues have been extremely supportive. We even got through learning Blackboard together!!! Yay!
I am also glad to feel connected to the field of early childhood in a greater sense. I currently belong to organizations like the NAEYC and NAFCC. This is a supportive professional field and I am proud to belong!