Dear Fellow bloggers,
Since this is a communication exercise for class, let me start by giving you an introduction to myself and where my views on raising children come from:
I have been a mother for over nine years. Along the way I have become a member and participant of the La Leche League community (for more information Many of my views on raising children and early child development agree with the parenting philosophies of La leche league. These include that the need for baby to be attached to the mother or a secure bond with an adult(my own spin on this philosophy) is as strong as the baby's need for food. What does this mean? Well in a few words this means babies need attachment and human interaction from birth (heck even before birth) to grow and develop properly.
I feel breastfeeding is the best way to feed an infant because it provides for them the two most fundamental needs: nourishment and touch. I also feel carrying a baby is a crucial part of their growth and attachment. Lastly I think responding to a baby or toddler's cries promptly and meeting their needs is FAR from spoiling a child. My parenting style can be a form of modified AP (Attachment Parenting) style. Hence you may read a lot about cosleeping, gentle discipline and babywearing. This is not for everyone, but it works for me.
Again this is a brief introduction to my unique perspective to the world of babies, toddlers and infants.
Angela S
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