
Wordle: Positive social changes in Early Childhood

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Re-opening my blog for 6990- The Capstone Project

This is the last lap of a challenging race! EDUC 6990 the capstone project here I go!

I look forward to posting stimulating blogposts & reading my colleagues comments. We may not have met in person, but I feel I know you all so much from all of our exchanges.

In this course I will work towards creating positive social change. I started by evaluting my priorities in a word art piece called a Wordle. Using an online applet you type in the text you want to visually analyze, see my wordle below. I know diversity and culturally responsive practice will be at big focus for this project.

Thank you all for the great support!


1 comment:

  1. A postive social change would be nice in the early childhood classrooms. All children should be accepted by society. They should also feel comfortable with who they are in their society. I look forward to reading more of you ideas.
